Disk mowers can devour grass yields. Improved harvest speeds and reduced equipment repairs have made disk mowers incredibly popular. However, if you have grass-heavy stands, use caution in the ability...
Friends, colleagues recall Meyer with fondness, respect By Ryan Whisner Daily Jefferson County Union regional editor Friends and colleagues today were mourning the death of Eugene "Gene" C. Meyer, who...
Temple Grandin, one of the world's foremost humane livestock handling specialists, is the focus of an HBO movie that debuts on cable television on Saturday, February 6, 2010. Airing time is 8 p.m. Eastern...
For nearly four decades, Penn State's Larry Specht has been evaluating which farms and sires have been the best contributors to genetic progress in the Holstein breed. For his efforts, Specht was named...
At the annual 2010 Cattle Industry annual convention in San Antonio, Texas, Vista Grande Dairy Farm was recognized for its efforts in improving Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) on its operation while successfully...
Janice (Ganske) Schyvinck, 1990 University of Wisconsin-Madison I am currently the director of public relations for Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association. In my role, I am responsible for public...